Thursday, September 11, 2014

Women and Homosexual Men Excel in Today's Service Economy

The US is gradually changing from a manufacturing economy to a service economy, as manufacturing jobs are offshored and the demand for healthcare and other services increase as the Baby Boomers retire.

With this transition comes a host of changes, challenges and surprises. Laid-off workers who were previously employed in manufacturing must now retool and seek employment in services. Engineers who were laid-off may have to retrain for a career in healthcare or a related field. One of the biggest changes, however, comes not to workers in specific industries but rather to an entire class of people: Heterosexual men are at a disadvantage in today's service economy, while women and homosexual men excel.  

Why? Why are heterosexual men at a disadvantage to women and homosexual men, and what does sexuality have to do with it? The reason why is because women and homosexual men tend to be kinder, friendlier, more compassionate, more caring, and more empathetic than heterosexual men do. Additionally, they place greater emphasis on communication and forming social bonds than heterosexual men, and these characteristics lend themselves well to a service economy.

Heterosexual men tend to be less talkative, more aggressive, more competitive, less caring and empathetic than women and homosexual men, and these characteristics put them at a disadvantage in a service economy. The reason why this difference in behavior exists is because of hormonal differences. High testosterone levels produce these traits in heterosexual men, while high estrogen levels produce the corresponding traits in women and homosexual men.  

Straight Talk for Math and Physics Majors (That Coward Professors Won't Give)

If you're a physics or math major, I have some straight-talk about your majors and employment options that your professors and guidance counselors are too timid and cowardly to give.

First, the good news. You're probably above-average in intelligence and this advantage in intelligence shouldn't be underestimated. The average IQ for math and physics majors is roughly 130-135, and the typical math professor is about 145-150. You may not think this is that high, but when you graduate and have to look for a job and are no longer around smart people all the time, this difference in intelligence will become more noticeable. Also, hard degrees like math, physics, etc. show employers that you're smart and a good-problem solver, and you probably picked up a good deal of computer programming along the way, which is a plus.

While they're not as good as engineering or computer science degrees, math and physics degrees nonetheless do have some job prospects. Math graduates can become actuaries, entry-level statisticians, math teachers and the like. Physics majors can do similar work as well as becoming a high-school physics teacher. Both can go into computer programming or software engineering if they know how to code. I've heard of physics graduates working as engineers with only a physics degree, but that's probably pretty rare.  

Now, the bad news: Math and physics degrees are primarily theoretically-oriented and don't really teach you anything that's useful in the real world. Is it fascinating to study modern algebra or quantum mechanics or differential equations? Sure, if you're a math/physics major and you find that interesting. But the reality is that nobody demands these skills, and very few jobs require this knowledge. Physics degrees are especially problematic as they primarily involve the study of theoretical physics, which very few jobs require.

Additionally, the job market in academia is extremely tight, and if you decide to go down this route, you'll likely end up as an adjunct making just above minimum-wage and forced to move every two or three years. Unless you went to MIT or CalTech, you should give up on the academic route. If you dreamed of becoming a research mathematician or theoretical physicist, it probably isn't going to happen. The sooner you suck it up and let go of it, the better off you'll be.

Also, many math and hard science students are seriously lacking in social and communication skills. Intelligence by itself isn't going to get you anything if you have poor social skills, and you'll repeatedly see yourself being passed over for jobs and promotions for less intelligent people who are better communicators. This may cause you to become bitter, but don't be. Use your smart mind to outwit the less intelligent and learn social and communication skills.

My advice is this: Learn computer programming and really know how to use computers to solve problems. If you're a good programmer, you immediately have an advantage over most CS grads, because most of them can't code worth a shit. I would also advise double-major in something more employable and in-demand. For example, if you're interested in physics, I would suggest double-majoring in physics and engineering. It'll probably take you 5 years to complete, but most college students take about 5 years to finish their degrees today. If you're a math student, consider double-majoring in something like computer science, economics, finance or engineering.

Really work on communication and social skills. Most STEM students lag behind humanities/arts students in this area and it really shows. In short, learn how to program well, learn communication and social skills, and consider double-majoring in something that's in higher demand.

Wednesday, September 10, 2014

Why Your Boyfriend is a Deadbeat Loser Who Can't Get Himself Together

If you're a young woman living in Western society today, you're no doubt familiar with the 20-something manchild/deadbeat that can't seem to pull himself together. He might be unemployed or frequently fired, he may have student loans he hasn't been paying, or might be still living at home and spending a good deal of time playing video games or looking up porn. He may even collect welfare or a government check with little desire to look for a job. Despite the fact that he may come across as funny, playful, or carefree, he can't seem to get his act together and focus on building a life or career for himself.

There are several reasons why he's like this, and I'll explain them for you so that his behavior is a little less puzzling.

Reasons your boyfriend (and guys your age) tend to be deadbeat losers:

1. The economy is still quite bad. There are over ten million unemployed people yet only four million job openings. Economic growth is much lower than it was a generation ago, and high corporate taxes make the US an unfavorable place for business investment. Many of the industries hardest hit by the Great Recession were male-dominated fields like construction.

2. Large numbers of young men were raised by single mothers who never disciplined them. Men raised by single mothers usually have serious discipline issues or grow up to become feminine, weak and timid. They didn't have a father figure to teach them how to become responsible, disciplined, masculine men. They likely attended public schools dominated by women and were coddled by their mother. The result? A feminized wimp with discipline and conduct issues.

3. They're addicted to porn and video games. Men are highly visual creatures and have a strong competitive urge. They have a strong desire to prove themselves, to compete, to become the best, to dominate, and, at times, to kill things. Porn and video games allow your boyfriend and loser guy friends to outlet their aggressive male energy in relatively harmless ways.    

4. Sex is easy to obtain. Men today have less reason to get married and can obtain sex much easier than men in previous generations could. Men in previous generations had to get married to have sex, and in order to become suitable partners for marriage, they had to be financially stable and able to support a family. With sex easy to obtain and marriage no longer necessary to have it, as well as the fact that women no longer need men to support them, men simply have less reason to become financially stable or to get married.

5. Government benefits are easy to obtain. The chances are good that many young men are able to collect government benefits such as disability, EBT, etc. which reduces their incentive to work. Why work a low-wage job when you can just collect a check and play video games all day? Why pay 40% of your income in taxes and put up with bullshit and lippy attitude from your employer and coworkers when you can go on the dole?

6. Marriage has become a bad deal for men. As much as 50% of all marriages end in divorce, and 70% of divorces are initiated by women. Men, quite simply, are scared of marriage. They're scared of the commitment, they're scared of a woman stealing his money and spending it on foolishness, and they're scared that she'll take his kids. Men are frightened by the possibility of having to pay alimony or losing their freedom and becoming subservient to a wife that tells him what to do.

7. They were spoiled as children and never had to work hard for anything. Their parents paid for their college, paid for their car, never made them work for a living, bought them whatever they wanted, etc. This tends to destroy work ethic and has likely contributed to your boyfriend's laziness. It also ruins the incentive to become independent - why bother to leave home if your parents are willing to pay your bills?

I don't see any of these trends reversing anytime soon, so the loser/deadbeat 20-something manchild will be with us for the foreseeable future. You can either accept them and love them for who they are, try to change them, or go after the dwindling number of decent men.

Monday, September 8, 2014

Why Atheists Are So Mistrusted

There are several studies that suggest that atheists are among the least trusted minority group in the United States. There may be several reasons for this, but one of the most important reasons why atheists are so mistrusted is rarely mentioned: Atheists, relative to religious people, simply have less incentive to be honest.

Most atheists are moral relativists or moral nihilists, and all reject the possibility of any judgement after death, objective meaning to human existence or eternal consequence for one's behavior. With this being the case, ask yourself the following questions:

Everything else being equal, who has more incentive to behave morally?

1. An individual who believes that there is an absolute foundation for ethics that isn't determined by society or majority opinion, who believes that his or her actions have eternal consequences and that they will be held accountable for their actions after death, and who believes that there is an objective meaning to life that is tied to or related in some way to this absolute standard for ethics?


2. An individual who believes all ethics boil down to socio-cultural relativism, that his or her actions have little consequence beyond their own life, and that one's meaning in life is whatever one wishes it to be?

It should be clear that the first individual has more incentive to behave morally. Many atheists would respond to this by claiming that it's "sad" or that they don't need bribes of heaven nor threats of hell to behave morally. One of the problems with this response by the atheist is that there are many things in the world that are "sad" but nonetheless true. It might be "sad", for example, that private insurance companies offer high-quality coverage to individuals primarily because they want to make money, with concerns for that individual's health being secondary. It might be "sad" that most people are more motivated by making money than by helping others. But the fact that one might find this to be "sad" doesn't change anything - it doesn't change the fact that this is the world we live in, and this is how people respond to incentives.    

Additionally, while an individual atheist may not need the prospect of punishment or rewards after death nor the prospect of an absolute standard for ethics to behave morally, this doesn't mean that this is true for others as well. There are many situations in which the benefits of immoral behavior far outweigh the risks involved. It's relatively easy, for example, to cheat on exams without being caught or with only minimal punishment, or to cheat people online and make quick money and get away scot-free. If one if facing a poor economy with intense competition for jobs, and one believes all ethics are just what's useful for society, then one can easily justify immoral behavior like cheating and stealing.  

Moral relativism, atheism and similar views sound nice to the undergraduate who's never lived in the real world, but when one has to survive and make a living for oneself, and has to live in a world dominated by supply and demand, incentive and constraint, the glaring weaknesses of moral relativism and atheism become painfully obvious. Individual atheists may be trustworthy, but atheists and moral relativists as a whole should be less trusted than religious people and moral absolutists.

Saturday, September 6, 2014

What Happens When Men Are Raised by Single Moms Who Don't Discipline Them?

Let me tell you a story about my friend (really distant relative) named Johnny.*

Johnny's father was a deadbeat felon who was never around growing up. His mom never disciplined him and let him do whatever he wanted growing up. When Johnny was a teenager, he stole his mom's minivan, crashed it into a convenience store, chained it up to an ATM and dragged the ATM out of the store and down the street. He dropped out of school and would drive around in his mom's minivan with his friends smashing mailboxes with a baseball bat. I remember him living in a shack behind his mother's house while a teenager.

When Johnny got a little bit older, he impregnated several black women out-of-wedlock. He never visits his kids since the new boyfriends of his baby mamas don't allow Johnny to visit. He started drinking, as was known for getting into fights while drunk and then completely blacking out. Indeed, he once crashed his friend's wedding while drunk, punched the groom, shouted racist words, blacked out and then wound up in jail with no memory of what he had done.

Johnny is a loser. In fact, Johnny is the loser to end all losers. Johnny is what happens when men grow up without a father and with a mother that doesn't discipline them. They grow up to be undisciplined, unfocused, lazy, irresponsible and weak. The situation becomes even worse if the young men are being raised in poverty.

There are generally three outcomes of single mothers raising men without discipling them:

1. They grow up to be felons/criminals/losers or deadbeats.

2. They become sissies/mamas boys.

3. They become relatively well-adjusted, functional adults. (This is rare but it does happen).    

To prevent their sons from becoming like Johnny, single moms MUST discipline them. They can't be weak and soft on them as most women are. They have to law-down-the-law and force them into becoming responsible, hard-working, productive people. Additionally, single moms MUST surround their sons with positive male role models, such as coaches, male teachers and tutors, pastors, etc. If you don't, then your son will probably end up like Johnny.  

* Name has been changed.

The Epiphany That Every Economics Student Should Have

Every student in their study of economics should have a certain epiphany. I remember having this epiphany out of nowhere while teaching myself economics. After gaining a certain threshold of understanding of economics, my brain came to a sudden realization:

Holy shit, the United States is fucked! Completely economically fucked!

This realization came out of the blue. I didn't quite believe what the doom-and-gloomers like Peter Schiff and others were saying about how the US economy was on borrowed time, and eventually we would face an economic reckoning as bad as the Great Depression. It was only after I studied economics, and began to understand the nature and magnitude of the economic problems that we face that I came to this realization.

Most economics students will have a similar epiphany as they study the subject. As they begin to learn how the Federal Reserve works and how it has no good exit strategy from its policy of endless QE, and as they learn about the massive state, local, personal and national debt, massive unfunded liabilities, and debt racked up for unproductive purposes, they will quickly come to the conclusion that the United States is economically fucked. The only reason why we haven't been forced to deal with our severe economic problems is because the rest of the world is still willing to loan us money, and the Fed can keep the smoke and mirror tricks up for years before it doesn't work anymore.    

Monday, September 1, 2014

Porn and prostitution are the best career prospects for young women in America

The title says it all - porn and prostitution are, hands-down, the best career prospects for young women in America today. They pay better than college by far. A young woman in America has several options when she graduates from high school:

Option 1: Go to college, get in large debt for a psychology, English, etc. degree and spend four to five years earning the degree, then graduate and make (if you're very lucky) 30 to 40 K in an entry-level job.

Option 2: Start a business on eBay, Amazon or something similar, and make hardly anything starting out. Then, over many years, the business starts to grow, with many false starts along the way. This involves the risk of bankruptcy.

Option 3: Join the military making 15 to 20K starting out, and slowly advancing up the ranks to make 50 to 70K after a few year's time. Of course, this involves the risk of being injured or killed, although most injuries/fatalities are sustained by males.

Option 4: Enter the workforce out of high school, making 15 to 20K in a dead-end job.

Option 5: Marry a rich or financially well-off man. This is pretty unlikely, as marriage is on the decline, and most 20-something men are losers with money and not financially well-off. The 20-something men that seem like they're well-off and driving nice cars are most likely driving their parent's car and are saddled with massive debts. Don't be suckered by appearances.

Option 6: Do porn or prostitution after high school. It requires no training whatsoever, no debt, and very few risks to life or limb. You can easily make several thousand dollars a month, fresh out of high school, by only working a couple of hours a week. You may think this is a bad option, but quite the contrary, this is by far the best option available in terms of making money.

It should be pretty clear that Option 6 is the best option available for young women in America today. Also, as I stated in a previous post, college is basically a scam, and many young people have resorted to selling drugs, porn and prostitution to pay tuition, so don't think that college is somehow the "best" option.

Idiots who think they can get "something for nothing" or "for free"

A quick way to gauge how well another person understands reality is to ask the following question:

Do you think you can get "something for nothing" or "for free"?

If you answer "yes" to this question, you are an absolute idiot, and you are easy prey for con artists and liars of all stripes. One of the oldest and easiest scams is to promise "something for nothing". Lying politicians promise "free" healthcare, education, and housing and dupe gullible people into voting for them. Con artists promise "free" energy devices or penny stocks (which are close to free) for promises of large returns later on.

"Something for nothing" or "for free" is always one of two things:

1. An outright scam, or

2. Not what it appears to be.

This is true whether or not the promise of "something for nothing" appears in politics, with socialist parasites promising education, healthcare, etc. "for free", or whether it appears in crackpot websites promising "free energy" devices, or anywhere else. The "something for nothing" misunderstanding even rears its ugly head in physics, where misguided people claim quantum mechanics allows one to "borrow" energy from the vacuum "for free" as long as one "pays it back" within a short time. This is total misunderstanding of the time-energy uncertainty relationship. There is nothing in physics that allows one to get energy for nothing, even for a short time.

Even worse, some even claim that one can get a universe from absolutely nothing! This, too, is not what it appears to be, for while it may be possible for a quantum fluctuation to produce a universe, this is not getting "something from nothing". Nothing is that which lacks all properties - if it could produce anything with properties (that is, something), then nothing would have a property, namely it could produce something with properties. But this is self-refuting - nothing cannot lack all properties but also have a property. Hence, nothing cannot produce anything.

A quantum vacuum is not "nothing", because such a vacuum has properties that can be measured, studied and discussed. The time-energy uncertainty relation that some misinformed people think allows one to temporarily violate the first law in fact allows no such thing. Rather, this principle puts bounds on how quickly the energy of a quantum system can change with time.

Philosophically, physically, economically and politically, there is no "something for nothing" or "for free". Anyone who says otherwise is trying to outright scam you, or they've been duped themselves.

Tuesday, August 19, 2014

Warning to High School Kids: College is a Scam!

As a college graduate with a degree in mathematics and someone who's witnessed the system of higher education firsthand, I can say without a doubt that college is a complete scam, and indeed one of the biggest
scams in America. Most college degrees are not worth anything, and the few degrees that have value are immensely overpriced. Most jobs can be done without a college degree, and employers only demand such degrees because they know it's a buyer's market and there are too many people with degrees and not enough jobs.

If I could give a single piece of advice for high school kids who are planning on attending college, that advice would be this:

Only go to college if you're going to major in a hard skill.

What do I mean by a hard skill? Engineering, computer science, software engineering, statistics, etc. Something that's rigorous, in-demand, and has objectively right-or-wrong answers. If you're going to major in something like psychology, sociology, English and the like, then don't bother with college. You're just wasting your time and money on foolishness and you'll likely get nothing for it but disappointment and disillusionment.

A college education is ONLY worth it if you majored in a hard skill. Anything else isn't worth the time and money invested.

Your college professors, guidance counselors, and teachers don't give a damn about you. They just want your student loan money and research money from the government. They have zero incentive to prepare you for the workforce and couldn't care less what happens to you. Don't believe anything any college recruiter tells you, and be extremely skeptical of what your teachers and professors tell you.

Student loan debt stands at well over 1 trillion dollars, and much of that debt was racked up for worthless degrees. There are millions of people with college degrees that work low-wage jobs that don't even require a degree. A college degree guarantees you nothing in life and in many cases isn't worth it. The system of higher education is badly broken.

Given the sorry state of higher education in the US, what are some possible alternatives for high school students? Possible alternatives to college include:

1. Joining the military. The US military is one of the best, if not the best, option available to young people today.
2. Trade school. Become an electrician, plumber, carpenter, and start your own business.
3. Starting a small business, such as selling things on eBay/Amazon.
4. Entering the workforce.
5. 2-year associates degrees or community college. These tend to be much less expensive and time consuming than traditional 4-year schools and can be excellent choices.

Remember kids, college is no different than a minefield or a rigged Vegas casino. Inform yourself by seeking the advice of college seniors and recent graduates. You can win the college game only if you're informed and have sought the advice and counsel of more experienced people. If you're misinformed or uninformed about how college works, you will be scammed out of your money, and college may easily be the worst decision of your life. Beware!